Dimitrios Peroulis
Senior Vice President for Partnerships and Online and Reilly Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
BS, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 1998; MSE, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1999; PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2003
Research Interests
Microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuits and antennas; RF MEMS (switches, varactors, inductors); novel architectures for multifunctional RF front-ends including tunable filters, antennas, matching networks and power amplifiers; high frequency 3D interconnects; nano-electro-mechanical resonators, RF/Bio sensors, adaptive radio electronics and sensors
Research Impact
Prof. Peroulis leads the Adaptive Radio Electronics and Sensors (ARES) team that focuses on reconfigurable analog/RF electronics for adaptive communications, signal intelligence, and harsh-environment sensors. He has been a PI/co-PI in over 40 projects funded by government agencies and industry in these areas. Since 2007 he has been a key contributor to the DARPA Analog Spectral Processors (ASP, Phases I-III) project resulting in the first widely-tunable (tuning range >3:1) pre-select radio filters with unprecedented quality factors (Q>1,000) and power handling (>10 W) for high frequency applications (1-30 GHz). A wide variety of reconfigurable filters with simultaneously adaptable features including frequency, bandwidth, rejection level, filter order, and group delay have been demonstrated over the past four years. His group recently co-developed (with Prof. Chappell) a ground-breaking concept of Field Programmable Filter Arrays (FPFAs). Inspired by FPGAs in digital systems, FPFAs are based on a sea of coupled resonators and multiple ports in order to enable reutilization of the same adaptive resonators to support diverse needs for dissimilar systems. Arbitrary operational modes and multiple operational channels may be created and reconfigured at will.
Moreover, Prof. Peroulis has made significant advances in high-power high-efficient power amplifiers and RF CMOS ICs with high-efficiency antennas. For example, Prof. Peroulis’ team won the third place in the student PA design competition at the 2011 International Microwave Symposium (IMS). In addition, a student design team led by Professors Jung (lead) and Peroulis (assistant team leader) at Purdue University won the first place awards in Phases I and II of the 2007-2008 SRC/SIA IC Design Challenge by demonstrating high-efficiency chip-to-chip wireless links with U-band transceivers. Further advances led to bondwire Yagi antenna arrays with efficiencies exceeding >80%. In the areas of sensors, Prof. Peroulis has also demonstrated the first wireless battery-free high-temperature MEMS sensors for health monitoring of sensitive bearings in aircraft engines. These sensors continuously monitor (RFID-type) the true temperature of the bearing to over 300C or 550C (depending on the design) and wirelessly transmit it to a base station. These sensors are based on well-established silicon processing for low-cost high-yield manufacturing. They have demonstrated extremely robust operation for over 1B cycles and continuous loading for over three months without failure.