Alexei (Djadja Lesha) Lagoutchev
Senior Research Scientist - Optics
BS (1980), MS (1982) in Physics from Moscow State University, Physics Department; PhD (1992) in Physics/Math from Institute of General Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Research Impact
Computer simulation of laser beam propagation in the atmosphere in the presence of random wind; Experimental laser-assisted isotopic gas mixture separation in capillaries, tunable CO2 and CO laser design, mass-spectroscopic monitoring of gas flows, vacuum cell design, gas flow simulations.; Experimental picosecond sum-frequency generation spectroscopy studies. Picosecond laser and OPA installation design and maintenance. Modelling molecular vibrations with Gaussian package.; Experimental femtosecond sum-frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy of laser-generated shock waves in pump-probe configuraton, spectroscopical and electrochemical cell design, Ti:Sapphire, OPA and SFG femtosecond pump-probe installation design (commercialized) and maintenance. ; Femtosecond pump-probe, Z-scan, Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging, Time-Correllated Single Photon Counting, studies of single photon emitters, Raman spectroscopy, Near Field Optical Microscopy.